Foot Locker’s FLX Launch

The FLX program was Foot Locker’s loyalty program that was designed for customers to collect rewards points through out all of Foot Locker’s brands. The program worked by providing loyalty points to customer for every purchase which provides members certain brand benefits depending on their loyalty tier. As the account manage for this program, I was responsible for the implementation of this entire program from campaign optimization, segmentation, implementing API, campaign setup and testing. The execution of this program was a huge success on our end. It was mentioned on our status call, despite everything going wrong on Foot Locker’s backend, the email implementation of the FLX campaign was one of the few things that went right.

Post launch canundrum

The FLX launch was a complete success the team and I breathed a sigh of relief celebrating our accomplishment. Unfortunately, FLX was not yet done with us. Foot Locker promised their users that the promocodes from their standard page would carry over to their loyalty program. Despite this, the way the FLX page was set up, Foot Locker was unable to display their user’s old promocodes. This caused quite a stir and confusion on social media where members were furious about the miscommunication.

Foot Locker approached us on a call saying that this needed to be remedied ASAP. They needed these users to receive new promocodes that are tied to the FLX program. The only way they can send them is via email campaign. I advised them on the most optimal way of executing this campaign, the deliverables needed for implementation, CAN-SPAM compliancy and segmentation for each of their brands. I working with my internal team working on creating a new campaign from scratch, setting up complicated personalization pieces to fit each user’s promocode, promo barcode, and expiration dates, creating a new data pieces specifically for this campaign, and a unique setup and QA process. We needed this all complete within two weeks with multiple re-words and revisions through out our production cycle.

Despite everything working against us, we were able to complete this project and meet the two week deadline promised. The campaign itself was a huge success. This very campaign became trending on social media as people were excited to redeem their promocodes while increasing their loyalty score. Despite the buzz and excitement from FLX members, no one was more pleased than the Foot Locker team:

“We see the first wave of emails going out and just wanted to thank you again for all of your help and support on this project! I know it’s been a lot of back and forth and re-work but it’s proving to be worth it!! Customers are already taking to social media excited about receiving their rewards cards. I know we still have the 10+ crowd to tackle but this deployment was a HUGE accomplishment so thank you, thank you and THANK YOU!!!”

Aleisha Forde, lifecycle manager for Foot Locker

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